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A La Carte (November 2)

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Sex & Money

This month’s free audiobook from Christian Audio is Paul Tripp’s Sex & Money. It’s free for the taking.

We’re Burning Babies

“I’ve now gone through the second set of leaked Planned Parenthood videos [which discuss] how to dispose of the babies once they’ve been turned into corpses. I’ve seen more in my work as an anti-abortion activist than I can possibly write, but for some reason, this series has left me more nauseated and heartbroken than the worst abortion footage I’ve ever seen.”

40 Thoughts for My 40th Birthday

Jared Wilson: “Today’s my 40th birthday. As a way of reflecting on my long, unbroken track record of unsurpassed mediocrity, here is a list of things I’ve learned, discovered, and experienced, and that I now think — one for each year of living.”

Bearing Burdens

It is worth reading this short article on the ministry of bearing the burdens of other people. The payoff is in the final paragraph.

Thermonuclear Art

Here’s some amazing footage of the sun. NASA says, “Presented in ultra-high definition video (4K) the video presents the nuclear fire of our life-giving star in intimate detail, offering new perspective into our own relationships with grand forces of the solar system.”

This Day in 1533. John Calvin fled Paris 482 years ago today for calling the church to turn from their traditions and embrace New Testament ideals. *

498 Years Ago

Last week Justin Taylor interviewed Carl Trueman about Martin Luther.

The Key to a Happy Marriage

This shouldn’t be too surprising. “After interviewing 468 married individuals on relationship satisfaction, covering everything from communication habits to finances, they found that the ‘most consistent significant predictor’ of happy marriages was whether one’s spouse expressed gratitude.”


One of the saddest things about this fallen world is that an adoption can cost $40,000 and an abortion $400.

—David Sitton

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