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A La Carte (November 19)

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Read Scripture Series: Psalms

I continue to enjoy The Bible Project. Their latest video provides a great overview of the book of Psalms.

U.S. Christian Groups Prioritize Muslim Refugees over Christian Ones

Here’s why Christian refugees are overlooked: “Their plight involves a nightmarish catch-22. When Christians flee as refugees they cannot go to UN-run refugee camps because there they face the same persecution and terror from which they fled.”

Only Two Religions

This is a helpful introduction into Peter Jones’ teaching about oneism and twoism–very helpful categories.

Brother, Where Is Your Identity?

David Powlison reminds you of important truths about your deepest identity.

IGNew Album. Today marks the release of a new album from Indelible Grace, the seventh in their history. It is titled Look to Jesus. As with all of their previous albums, this one features a collection of retuned hymns. You can listen to and buy the digital version at Bandcamp or pre-order the CD at their store.

Nobody Deserves That

It’s always fun when Adam4d uses one of my articles to draw a comic. He did that with “Nobody Deserves That.”

Stay & Wander

There is some amazing footage of the Alps (and the people who live deep within them) in this short film.


A child who knowingly sins can savingly believe.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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