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A La Carte (November 18)


Westminster Books has some good Christmas outreach resources discounted this week. They’ve also got a sale on resources related to James.

Thanks to Karen Wade Hayes and Lara d’Entremont for their reviews of Seasons of Sorrow. Thanks also to Christine Chappell who hosts IBCD’s Hope + Help podcast for inviting me to discuss the book.

Today’s Kindle deals include all 5 volumes of the excellent Biblical Theology of the New Testament Series and so many other solid titles.

Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021. Has Death Lost Its Sting?

This month’s cover story at CT was written by my friend Dr. Ewan Goligher and is well worth reading. He says that “the ability to have one’s life ended on short notice is an increasingly acceptable option for Canadian patients—with implications that will reverberate around the globe.” (Though the article is behind a paywall, you should be able to read it for free by registering for an account.)

Peace That Passes All Understanding

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to be prayerful rather than fretful. “That’s certainly easy enough: prayer + thankfulness = peace. Go through the steps, get to peace. Then why doesn’t the formula work? When I am anxious I pray, but my mind keeps drifting back to the anxious circumstance, and before I know it I am trying to solve the problem. After again confessing my distractibility, I get back to praying, only to have the cycle continue.”

Bella Paper Calendars and Stationery

316 Publishing’s beautiful Bella Paper line features the Legacy Standard Bible and includes 2023 calendars & planners, journals, and greeting cards. Through Sunday, save an extra 10% on the entire Bella Paper line with code CHALLIES. (Sponsored Link)

After the Burning

This is a strong piece of writing. “I walk in the hills every month or so to reflect and to pray. The fire wasn’t on the hill I usually walk with Jesus, but I was curious enough to go looking for it, slightly dreading what I might find.”

Is Narcissism the Problem Behind Pastors’ Moral Failures?

Daniel Doriani examines some of what Chuck DeGroat says about narcissism among pastors. “Has DeGroat found the culprit behind pastoral failures? Given that all men are flawed and sinful, it’s certainly true that the church attracts flawed leaders. But does the churchespecially attract the power-hungry and the narcissistic?”

Is the Gospel Glorious, or is the Gospel about the Glory of Christ? (Video)

I enjoy it when Bill Mounce lets us in on some Bible translation conundrums. “Sometimes translators have to make a decision; sometimes there is no ambiguous option. In 2 Cor 4:6, is the gospel glorious or is the gospel about the glory of Christ? It is one or the other, not both.”

Fall 2022 Eikon

CBMW has released a new issue of their journal Eikon in case you’re looking for some slightly academic reading. “Much of this issue is dedicated to reflection on the history, influence, and continued importance of the Nashville Statement.”

Flashback: When God Put Down a Deposit

Our salvation is proof that God is powerful, that he is effective, that he has a plan, that his plan is progressing, and that he will carry it all to completion.

Anger takes everything personally, as if everything is an intentional act to make your life miserable.

—Ed Welch

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