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A La Carte (November 18)


There is an extensive list of Kindle deals today that includes something for just about everyone.

I happened to notice Amazon has Melissa & Doug toys on sale today in case you’re doing early Christmas shopping. They were always a smash with our kids.

(Yesterday on the blog: Working Up a Spiritual Sweat)

Your Listening Habits Are Harming Your Relationship with God

“What do habits have to do with hearing God? Actually, a lot. Habits can be good or bad, distracting or uplifting. They can bring us closer to God and others, or drive us farther away. Their importance is often misunderstood, and we can become easily susceptible to forming destructive habits that hamper our entire lives.”

Wait for the Ending

It’s true, this. “Faith in a sovereign God does not prevent us from sometimes feeling bewildered about what our sovereign God is doing.”

Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss

Or don’t, depending on the context.

Why Spam Calls Are At An All-Time High (Video)

I’m kind of glad to know it’s not just me who is being inundated with these calls.

Putting on Avatars, Putting on Christ: Reflections on “American Democracy in the Internet Age”

That’s a big, long title for an article that offers some good food for thought.

Is God Guilty of Genocide?

“Armenia. Cambodia. Rawanda. Bosnia. Darfur. All well-known modern examples of genocide where entire people groups were wiped out (or almost wiped out). These are awful tragedies, worthy of our sorrow and grief. And yet, ask the critics, is the God of the Bible really any different? When the Israelites entered the land of Canaan, was it not God who commanded them to wipe out all the indigenous people (Deut. 20:17)? Is God not guilty of genocide?”

Why Your Youth Group Needs Generational Integration

I’m not sure “needs” is the right word, but will at least agree to “would benefit from.”

Flashback: As Innocent as a Snake

As Christians we need to be aware of evil, aware of its existence, its shape and contours, yet without developing an obsession with it. We need to know enough about evil to discern and resist it, yet without stooping to plug our minds full of it.

Faith in Jesus will not replace your fears. Instead your faith will coexist with your fears and begin to quiet them. You will learn, by faith, to see your life from Jesus’s perspective and to trust that he is our ever-present help in trouble.

—Ed Welch

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