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A La Carte (November 17)

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May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include Greg Koukl’s new book Street Smarts. There’s an extensive list of other deals as well.

The History of Study Bibles

I really enjoyed this look at the history of study Bibles—the good, the bad, and the really unfortunate.

Is There a Book in You?

Trevin Wax offers some guidance for people who are wondering if they’ve got a book in them.

A Lifelong Sentence Overturned By Faith: Only God Can Do That!

In one of America’s most notorious prisons, a young man sentenced to life without parole miraculously found faith, forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. In 27 Summers, Ronald Olivier shares his dramatic and powerful story and offers proof that God can bring healing and hope to even the darkest circumstances. Order 27 Summers today. (Sponsored Link)

Polymorphous perversity in the heartland

Al Mohler: “If you are looking for Ground Zero in the sexual revolution, you might not think of America’s heartland, but you should. You should think of Indiana University and The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Founded more than 75 years ago as the Institute for Sex Research, it was from the start a primary platform for the sexual revolution and the twisted vision of its founder, Alfred Kinsey.”


“I have experienced God’s chisel time and again in a year that has been stuffed with quiet heartaches; corrupt schemes that Satan intended for evil. These hardships are largely invisible to the world. Such burdens have proven perplexing and difficult to navigate due to their clandestine nature. Upon reflection, one thing is evident: I have far to go in learning to respond with joy.”

What is Hell Like?

David Kaywood: “I don’t particularly like writing or thinking about hell. It’s been said if you preach on hell, you should do so with a tear in your eye. The topic of hell must be treated with biblical fidelity but also with compassion for neighbor. Nevertheless, we regularly need biblical resources on hell since there are constant attacks to undermine it.”

Unburden Your Soul To God

I think you’ll appreciate this look at the purpose of prayer.

Flashback: 3 Parenting Myths We Are All Tempted To Believe

“Our job is to discharge faithfully the duties God has given to us, leaving the results in God’s hands. Our goal is not ‘successful’ parenting per se, but faithful parenting.” This is a sweet, liberating truth.

He who fears God has nothing else to fear. His soul shall dwell at ease. He shall lodge in the chamber of content.

—Charles Spurgeon

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