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A La Carte (November 17)

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Discipleship, Rest and Reading

It has been a while since Thabiti Anyabwile last updated his blog, but he came back strong with this article. It’s geared toward pastors but has wisdom for all of us.

When You Indulge in Porn, You Participate in Sex Slavery

Andy Naselli makes the case. I do not disagree.

We Cannot Look the Other Way

No, we cannot. David Altrogge wants to tell you about this documentary 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy about the infamous Kermit Gosnell case. I have seen it and recommend it.

Immigration Policy

Kevin DeYoung has penned a really strong article on immigration policy and some of the dangers of elevating compassion as the primary decision maker.

This Day in 3 BC. According to early church father Clement of Alexandria (c.155–c.220), Jesus was born 2,018 years ago today. Merry Christmas? *

Irony’s Dead And Planned Parenthood Killed It

Here’s a brief take on Planned Parenthood’s outrageous tweet.


God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

—C.S. Lewis

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