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A La Carte (November 16)

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple: Justification Vindicated by Robert Traill and Multiply by Francis Chan.

This week’s deals from Westminster Books include some excellent Christmas resources you may want to stock up on.

Logos users may be interested in some early Black Friday deals. Yes, pre-Black Friday.

3 Things Parents Can do to Help Keep Your Kids from Sexting

If you’ve got teens, you need to read articles like this and then talk them over with your kids. This is real.

You Are Never Too Young to Live for Christ

Don’t believe the lies! You are never too young to live for Christ.

A Million Dollar Collection

This is kind of neat and kind of odd. But this guy has a collection of Hot Wheels worth a cool million.

Proclaiming a Better Way

Daniel Motley has some good thoughts on Christian community in the aftermath of the election. “Every election, a dangerous forgetfulness descends upon the nation like a cloud, as if somehow this election will decide the fate of America for the next 1,000 years.”

The Key to Leading a Bad Meeting

Here’s how not to lead those bad meetings we all hate so much.

This Day in 1855. 61 years ago today Scottish missionary-explorer David Livingstone named Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe on his first missionary journey through Africa. *

Why is Inauguration Day on January 20?

Here’s the story of why inauguration day is January 20 instead of right after the election.

They Excommunicated My Dad

You know that, in theory, there is redemptive value in church discipline. But it’s still good to read accounts of it.

Flashback: A Call for Christian Extremists

Allah may be glorified in maimed bodies and blood-soaked city streets, but God is glorified in acts of love and deeds of kindness.

challies_nov13-19-03The more bored you are with God, the more vulnerable you will be when temptation comes.

—Jared Wilson

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