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A La Carte (November 15)


It has been a little slow for Kindle deals lately, but I expect things to pick up by next week when we head into the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. For today, there’s just one new deal to consider.

(Yesterday on the blog: 5 Songs by CityAlight I Think You’ll Enjoy)

What Are the “High Places” in the Old Testament, and How Does That Apply to Us Today?

Randy Alcorn explains and applies. “Recently someone asked me, ‘I’m intrigued by a phrase that’s repeated word for word in 2 Kings four times in 12:3, 14:4, 15:4, and 15:35 related to Uzziah and his father, grandfather, and son: ‘The high places, however, were not removed. What is this referring to?’”

The Christian and Joy

“Christians are tempted, of course, to be discouraged and depressed by the force of overwhelming circumstances. But in such circumstances, we must tell ourselves that we have no right to feel the way we do! Paul, who knew what it was to be in prison, to be beaten and spat upon, to be cold shouldered and ignored, commands us to rejoice, despite what we may feel: ‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice’ (Phil. 4:4).” This is a tough truth to embrace, isn’t it?

Why Does Church Membership Matter?

“You may say, ‘I can be part of Christ’s cosmic church without joining a local church.’ To that, I would say, ‘Try it.’ Try being a sideline-Christian. Try saying to your fellow Christians that you worship with week-in and week-out, sit in a community group with, fellowship with, and say, ‘I really love you, but I don’t want to covenant with you. I don’t want to commit to you. You never know, another church down the road might give me more of what I’m looking for. I want to keep my options open.’”

A Theological Statement from the TGC Canada Council

A few weeks ago TGC Canada ran some interviews between Paul Carter and Bruxy Cavey. The TGC Canada Council has concluded the series with a theological statement.

What are the Essential Qualities of a Christian? (Video)

Sinclair Ferguson: “What are the essential qualities of a Christian? From one of our live Ask Ligonier events, Sinclair Ferguson looks at the marks of a true Christian: faith, hope, and love.”

Some Thoughts on Intercessory Prayer From Me and Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This is important stuff to consider about prayer. “Intercessory Prayer is not just about praying for the latest medical and financial needs in your community. It’s also about praying for people you don’t like, people who bother you. Jesus tells you that you will have enemies and you should pray for them (Matthew 5:44). So the next time someone in your church annoys you, will you be willing to intercede on their behalf?”

Thank God for Men

I rather enjoyed this cheeky article from WORLD. “This year I particularly want to focus on one kind of thanksgiving—being thankful for men. I choose this because it is open season on men as much as on turkeys, which I feel sorry about. So here is my list of reasons to be thankful for men…”

Flashback: 18 Prayers to Pray for Unbelievers

God loves to hear us pray and God loves to respond to our prayers. So as you pray for unbelievers, pray with confidence that God hears your prayers.

Faith is not the presence of warm religious feeling. It’s the knowledge that you walk before the God who hears.

—Ed Welch

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