If you’re into Kindle deals, remember that I’ve got an X account for that: @challiesdeals. Also by way of reminder, much of my material gets translated into Spanish and you can find that here.
Today’s Kindle deals include some good books: Serving Without Sinking, Write It On Their Hearts, and more.
(Yesterday on the blog: Marriage Happy, Marriage Holy)
Is Stoicism a Friend of Christianity?
I have been intrigued by the recent revival of interest in Stoicism. That is why I was glad to see this article by Jonathan Threlfall.
11 Theses on Instagram and the Modern Woman
Samuel James offers some interesting theses on Instagram. For example: “Of all the major social media apps of the last 20 years, Instagram is the most distinctly feminine. Compared to its peers, IG is a beautiful app. It feels. It has a humane and relational texture that other apps, especially Twitter and Facebook, lack. Several things about IG create this, chief among them the app’s reliance on images of people as its main form of communication.”
Is every Psalm about Christ? (Video)
That is a common question and in this video it gets a good answer.
The Harvest is Plentiful and the Workers Won’t Stay
“Although the lack of workers for the harvest has been a persistent problem since the time of Christ, nowadays there is a new and noticeable trend in missions: those who go don’t necessarily stay.”
What Is the Unpardonable Sin? (Matthew 12)
I know I recently shared a different theologian’s answer to this question, but considering how often I am asked it, I thought it would not hurt to double up.
Maybe you should talk to strangers
Yeah, maybe you should. Maybe we all should.
Flashback: Don’t Waste Your Ambition
When I look at your generation, I love the ambition I see, but want to encourage you to pursue the traits that will harness that ambition to the best and highest purposes.