4 Dangers for Complementarians – Gavin Ortlund outlines 4 dangers complementarians need to face. “I don’t think it’s a sign of compromise to listen to some of their critiques. After all, some of the problems they are reacting against are real.”
Christmas Is for Sharing – It may be only a commercial, but it’s a powerful one based on a historical event.
Having Water from God for Others – A great little glimpse of the life of John Stam.
Know Your Steaks – Here’s a short video to explain what you’re eating.
Why Pastors Receive Housing Tax Exemptions – Joe Carter looks back a few years to see why pastors receive a tax exemption for housing.
How A Wound Heals – This video is just about at the right level for me. Now I (kind of) understand how a wound heals itself.
Asking Forgiveness From a Prostitute – Ed Welch: “It seems obvious, but I have never suggested it: if a man has been with a prostitute, it is right for him to ask her forgiveness. Consider this story.”