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A La Carte (November 13)

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Yesterday I uploaded the PDF versions of my theological quizzes. The Trinity quiz had one copying/pasting error, so you may want to download it again to make sure you have the latest version. And now, here are today’s links:

Modern Educayshun

This probably isn’t one to watch with the kids, but it offers some pretty good insight into our cultural conversation. “Modern Educayshun delves into the potential dangers of our increasingly reactionary culture bred by social media and political correctness.”

21 Ways I Know You’re Financially Unstable

There is nothing groundbreaking here, but it never hurts to review the basics.

Mizzou and a More Excellent Way

I’m grateful to Isaac Adams for sharing a painful experience. “‘Too many niggers, too many niggers.’ Immediately I turned around and stared at this man. He stopped, looked at me, and said, ‘This city is the rape capitol of the world, and you’re surprised, nigger?’ He turned around. He walked away.”

You Create Your Own Treadmills

I think you will enjoy reading this interview with Matt Chandler. He has lots of wisdom to share.

I Messed Up

This is a good article to file away for the day you or someone you love will need it. Counsellor Deepak Reju provides counsel on confessing past or current sexual sin to a boyfriend or girlfriend before they get engaged.

This Day in 1618. 397 years ago today, Calvinists rejected Arminianism at the Synod of Dort in the Netherlands. *

The Definition of Insanity

Here’s some encouragement for preachers.

The Best of Michael Phelps

If you are up for a long read, you may enjoy this look at Michael Phelps and his recent struggles.

Joy: An Irish Christmas

If you are in the Toronto area, be sure to consider coming to Joy: An Irish Christmas with Keith and Kristyn Getty and their band. It takes place Monday, November 23 at Roy Thomson Hall. It should be a great show!


The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God.

—C.S. Lewis

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