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A La Carte (November 13)

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Over-Pastoring, Under-Pastoring – “There are two common dangers in pastoral ministry and Paul is alert to both of them. They are what we might call over-pastoring and under-pastoring.”

Little Things Matter – Kim Shay directs some encouragement at young stay-at-home moms.

Divine Revision – Slate has an interesting article on why the Mormonism will eventually accept homosexuality.

Critiquing a Giant – Andy Naselli points to an example of a good way to critique a theological giant.

Your Best Hours – We get two hours a day when our minds are at their best.

Should Couples Write Their Own Vows? – Russell Moore explains why couples should not write their own wedding vows. While I don’t completely agree, I appreciate the points he makes.

Sexual Orientation – Al Mohler writes about his change on the subject of sexual orientation; where he once denied the idea of sexual orientation, now he accepts it.


All whom the Father elects, Christ redeems; all whom Christ redeems, the Father adopts.

—Ian McNaughton

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