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A La Carte (November 12)

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Ten Diagnostic Questions for Your Marriage

Kevin DeYoung has some good, simple diagnostic questions for your marriage.

Patience is Not Optional for the Christian

Al Mohler: “Most of us recognize that patience is one of the cardinal Christian virtues—we’re just in no hurry to obtain it.”

By His Grace God Wounded Me

Darryl Dash: “I’m much weaker than I like to admit, and I carry more than I should. It’s good that I want to work hard and get things done; it’s bad that I forget that I’m weak, and that I carry anxieties I should have handed over to him a long time ago.”

Getting a Job in Publishing

Andy Le Peau offers some useful counsel on finding a job in the publishing field.

To Moms of One or Two Children

A mother of five children writes to mothers of one or two children.

This Day in 1950. Paul Tripp turns 65 today. You can wish him a happy birthday!

Evaluating Seventh-day Adventism

Nathan Busenitz provides a brief video introduction to Seventh Day Adventism. He also provides some analysis of what they believe and what areas are problematic.

We’re Moving to Greenland

I enjoyed this little photo essay on people who are moving to Greenland, of all places. And it made me wonder if there are sound, Evangelical churches in Greenland.


By the cross, God sets aside and shatters all human pretensions to strength and wisdom.

—D.A. Carson

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