The Missing Ingredient – “Guys can be exegetically sound, communicate with clarity, illustrate with profundity, and then at the end of the sermon it tastes like grandma’s meatloaf: somewhat filling but not so memorable.”
A Word About Men and Marriage – Jason Garwood sounds a little mad here, but I understand what he is saying.
Saying No – What Randy Alcorn says here won’t apply directly to all of us, but he makes some good points.
Thanksgiving Devotional – You can sign up here for a free daily devotional from Paul Tripp that will help you prepare for Thanksgiving.
Parenting for Sanctification or Reputation – Here’s a helpful distinction in parenting: parenting for their sanctification or parenting for your reputation.
7 Deadly Sins – This is a good start to a series on the 7 Deadly Sins in a Digital Age.