“I Feel Super Great About Having an Abortion” – Al Mohler: “Emily Letts is a 25-year-old abortion counselor at the Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey whose video has gone viral. These days, videos go viral on a daily basis, and most are soon forgotten. But not this one. Emily Letts decided to make a video about her own abortion, and the result is one of the most disturbing video messages ever presented to public view…”
Secrets Mothers Know – Here are a few secrets that every mother knows.
Oneness Pentecostalism: An Analysis – Yesterday I wrote about T.D. Jakes who is associated with Modalism and Oneness Pentecostalism. Just a few days ago Fred Sanders wrote a helpful article on it.
Spurgeon and His Critics – Vance Christie writes about a couple of times Charles Spurgeon had to respond to critics.
How Net Neutrality Might Look – We are hearing about Net neutrality these days. Here’s a look at what it means and why it matters.
The Jesus’ Wife Fragment Hoax – This is hardly shocking, but the Jesus’ Wife fragment has been proven a hoax.
The Bible Says – Darryl Dash looks at a recent Andy Stanley talk and provides some helpful reflections.