Long-Separated Twins – “Imagine delving into your family history and discovering you have a twin. That’s what happened to Ann Hunt, a 78-year-old, who had no idea she had a sibling at all until last year. Now she and twin Elizabeth Hamel have met for the first time since they were babies – setting a new world record.”
Things I Want Him To Thank His Mom For – Here are 8 things this author wants his toddler to thank his mom for.
A Good Funeral – Someone asked: “What do you really love about your church at the moment?” And my answer? Christian funerals. Yep.”
What Do You Mean “Have Faith?” – “At Emmaus we often speak of faith in terms of ‘trusting and treasuring’ God. We believe that God is who he said he is and as a result we believe (trust) him to do everything that he has promised. Further, because he is infinitely glorious, we treasure him above any and everything.”
Lord, Liar, Lunatic…or Legend? – Stand to Reason introduces an interesting article.
In Defence of the EA – “The EA took the decision to remove Steve Chalke’s Oasis Trust from membership last week, after a long process of consultation.” It matters. Read the article to learn why and how.