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A La Carte (May 8)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Long-Separated Twins – “Imagine delving into your family history and discovering you have a twin. That’s what happened to Ann Hunt, a 78-year-old, who had no idea she had a sibling at all until last year. Now she and twin Elizabeth Hamel have met for the first time since they were babies – setting a new world record.”

Things I Want Him To Thank His Mom For – Here are 8 things this author wants his toddler to thank his mom for.

A Good Funeral – Someone asked: “What do you really love about your church at the moment?” And my answer? Christian funerals. Yep.”

What Do You Mean “Have Faith?” – “At Emmaus we often speak of faith in terms of ‘trusting and treasuring’ God. We believe that God is who he said he is and as a result we believe (trust) him to do everything that he has promised. Further, because he is infinitely glorious, we treasure him above any and everything.”

Lord, Liar, Lunatic…or Legend? – Stand to Reason introduces an interesting article.

In Defence of the EA – “The EA took the decision to remove Steve Chalke’s Oasis Trust from membership last week, after a long process of consultation.” It matters. Read the article to learn why and how.


Fear not because your prayer is stammering, your words feeble, and your language poor. Jesus can understand you.

—J.C. Ryle

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