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A La Carte (May 7)


Good morning! May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

There are a couple of Kindle deals that are worth a look.

What Is Anxiety?

This article by William Barcley will prove a worthwhile use of one of your three free monthly articles from Tabletalk (if you’re not a subscriber). “Most of our sinful anxieties are tied to proper concerns. It is proper to do your job well, to support your family, to care for your children, to fulfill the duties that God has called you to do. We should be concerned with all of them. The question is, When do these proper concerns turn into sinful ones? When does godly care become godless worry?”

Disclosing Past Sexual Sin in a Dating Relationship

This can be a very important but very difficult conversation in a dating relationship. “Taking your relationship to a more serious level knowing your potential spouse has an inaccurate view of your history is unwise and unloving. Sharing your past serves them by providing an honest picture of who you are. Our past need not define us, but it does shape us. Sin’s effects can emerge in marriage, so if your dating partner is going to become one with you (Gen. 2:24), that person deserves to make the decision with eyes wide open.”

All the Reasons Why It Has Never Been Harder to Be an MLB Hitter

“What happens in the first month of a given Major League Baseball season isn’t necessarily indicative of what will happen in the next five months, yet the 2021 campaign has already birthed an alarming trend. Hitting, which was already notoriously difficult to begin with, is now basically impossible.”

Thankful for Godly Mothers

Sharon Rockwell expresses thanks for godly mothers. “The prophet Jeremiah included words of encouragement for Jerusalem and especially for those who trusted in the Lord. When I think about Mother’s Day approaching, I think about all the amazing mothers who trust in the Lord while raising their families. The words in Jeremiah 17:7-8, apply to all the godly mothers I know, including my own.”

Great is His Faithfulness

“My guess is that in this messy life, many are experiencing a measure of both joy and grief tangled up together this Mother’s Day week.” Either way, this article will offer encouragement.

In Search of a Better Story

While the context of this article is intrinsically American (something I am not), it still contains some interesting insights on the distinctions between progressives and conservatives. “The only organ to which secular progressive political activists make little appeal these days—one could consider it America’s only understimulated organ—is the cerebrum. The brain. But when progressives do appeal to voters’ rationality, they wisely do so more primarily through story than through argument.”

Flashback: When Gifts Lose Their Luster

In a world like this, and in a sinner like me, even the best gifts lose their luster. Or they seem to. The gifts lose their luster when I neglect to honor the giver and to cherish the gift.

The internal mission of the Bible is to transform the nature of humanity. That is why unbelievers know it is a dangerous text.

—Rosaria Butterfield

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