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A La Carte (May 5)

The Rise of the Anti-Culture

Carl Trueman: “Let’s face it: We now live in a world where refusing a man the right to expose himself in a woman’s toilet is enough to risk your city losing the right to host a football game. Even to suggest there might be a debate to be had about such a thing is enough to render one liable to accusations of irrational hatred and dismissal as a benighted bigot. Culture did not bring that about. Anti-culture did.”

4 Approaches to a Balanced Complementarianism

Rick Phillips offers “four approaches that will help us practice the Bible’s gender teaching while avoiding harmful and unbiblical excesses.” He does really well.

Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife

On a similar note, Mary Kassian has an amazing review of Ruth Tucker’s book Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife. It includes an important appeal to Tucker herself—one I hope she accepts.

The Bible Project: Proverbs

The Bible Project has a nice little video summary of the book of Proverbs.

Is Multitasking Preventing Us From Being Faithful Stewards?

“Faithful stewardship of the mind will require intentionally adapting work habits. It may not be easy, given your current work atmosphere, but start small and work toward adapting what you can.” You may even need to stop your mostly futile attempts at multitasking.

Bible Translation Tribalism

I appreciate this call away from Bible translation tribalism. “Imagine there was only one English Bible translation and that it had never occurred to you that there might be another. The truth is that even if we were stuck with your and my least favorite translation on the chart above, we’d still have an inestimable treasure. We would still have God’s words.”

This Day in 1816. Exactly 200 years ago today, the American Bible Society gathered in New York to distribute the Bible throughout the world. They have distributed hundreds of millions of Bibles in thousands of languages worldwide since then. *

A Helpful Way To Think About Personal Discipleship

Just like the title says, this is a helpful way to think about personal discipleship (and much else in life).

Flashback: I Miss the Absurdity

“Monday morning. 5:40. Cup of coffee. My desk in a corner of the basement. Life is good. And this morning I find myself pondering the fact that my kids are getting older.” I wrote this two years ago and got a little emotional reading it again this morning…


The gospel calls us to “man down” more so than to “man up.” There is no masculinity without a core of humility.

—Scotty Smith

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