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A La Carte (May 4)

Today’s Kindle deals include just one little reference work, but it’s one I turn to all the time.

Westminster Books has a deal on an excellent 5-part set on the 5 solas.

It Is Not Character Assassination

Denny Burk: “There are many voices within the North American evangelical movement that are turning away from what the church has always believed and confessed. Hatmaker is now among them. They are trying to tell people that sexual immorality is compatible with following Jesus. And they are asking the rest of the church to accept their point of view as within the orthodox stream.”

How Do You Pray Without Ceasing? (Video)

Donald Whitney answers. This Honest Answers series from SBTS is fantastic!

Reasons to Avoid Churches Who Will Not Practice Church Discipline

“When practiced biblically, [church discipline] is consistent with biblical love, care, and obedience to Christ. It is that sacred process where the holiness of God is upheld, the purity of the church maintained, and the value of souls practiced.”

The Attractional Tipping Point

Jared Wilson believes the attractional church may be at a tipping point and near collapse. He provides some pretty good points to back up his claim.

Running a Two-Hour Marathon (Video)

It is almost impossible to run a two-hour marathon. Here’s why and an explanation of who’s most likely to actually do it.

By Whose Authority? Women Bloggers and the Evangelical Church

I’m very much enjoying this ongoing conversation. “Women, more often than men, take an entrepreneurial approach to ministry. They gather communities around themselves via social media, bypassing established institutions altogether. Eventually these women may enter back into the establishment through books and speaking, but they do so on their own terms so that even as women are working outside institutions, they are remaking them in the process.”

The Problem of Unity in the Church

Matt Rogers has some helpful thoughts on unity in the church. “Paul warned that preferential matters can undermine and hinder the work of the church. The unity that should be seen by virtue of Christ’s work can be veiled through needless divineness, likely the result of the following four factors.”

Flashback: 50 People 1 Question

If you could be any age, what age would you be?

The church should be a safe place for sinners without being a safe place for sin.

—Justin Taylor

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