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A La Carte (May 31)


Hearing the Voice of the Lord in Your Pastor’s Sermon

“Reformed churches believe God still speaks. While we do not believe he speaks via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we believe that via preaching God’s voice is as real and vital to us as it was through the mouths and pens of prophets and apostles. How can we say this?”

My Son Taught Me About Privilege

Amy tells about a growing understanding of the blessing (and sadness) of privilege. “It hit me that one of the (many) privileges of being wealthy is the ability to see my children find their potential. And have a shot at reaching it.”

Hughes Oliphant Old: A Personal Remembrance

It’s always a joy to read a remembrance of a godly man or woman.

Rise of Ad-Blocking Software Threatens Online Revenue

I’m linking to this article from the New York Times because it is on a subject I wrote about last week.

Why I Sit at the Front

Yes, even something as simple as where you sit at church has significance (and can be a means of loving others).

This Day in 1638. 378 years ago today, founder of Connecticut, Thomas Hooker, preached the opening sermon at First Church of Hartford. *

Fiftieth Birthday Reflections

I enjoyed David Murray’s reflections on his fiftieth birthday. (And happy birthday, David!)

The Keyhole Seven

This longform article explains a sad situation. “When a group of canyoneering beginners were swept away in a flash flood last September, it was the worst disaster in Zion’s 97-year history. And it illustrates a growing question: How far should national parks go to keep their visitors safe?”

Flashback: Well-Planned, Hard, Sweat-Inducing Prayer and Work

Do you find prayer difficult? Then take that as a challenge, not as a reason to give up! “Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan.”


It is better to pray often with brevity than rarely but at length.

—D.A. Carson

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