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A La Carte (May 30)

Yesterday I posted A La Carte from London, England; today it comes from Johannesburg, South Africa. Tomorrow will be yet another country…

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: It’s Submission, Not Subjection)

God’s Special People?

“There is everything right about loving a country that has provided so much religious and political freedom. There is everything right with thanking God for such large privileges. But, we must never forget that ‘this is not our home,’ and that ‘here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come.”‘

What Proverbs Teaches about Being Teachable

“Teachable people don’t have to be the smartest to succeed—they seek to learn and grow in any and every situation. Being teachable is a foundational quality for everybody: workers, students, husbands and wives, and especially those in leadership roles. If you’re wondering how to grow in teachability, perhaps there’s no better place to turn than the Bible’s wisdom book.”

The Biggest Challenges of Long-Term Illness

We first met Kimberly and LeRoy back in August of last year just as they started into this journey of illness. It has been a blessing for us to watch them honor God through such difficult circumstances. This post talks about the biggest challenges they have had with LeRoy’s long-term illness, but also shows how God has given so much grace to them both.

Have We Adopted the Spiritual Version of Jamie Oliver’s Food-Drive in Our Churches?

“Just as many can (rightly) see the condescending attitude of Jamie Oliver toward the poor regarding their dietary choices, we should work hard not to replicate the same sort of sneering attitudes toward the poor in our churches. We must be careful not to impose our culturally conditioned choices – that seem so right and obvious to us – onto others who don’t share our particular culture.”

5 Ways Personality Changes in the First Year of Marriage

“Hitch yourself to another human being for long enough, and eventually you’ll notice yourself starting to change in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Maybe you’ll take on some of their weird habits, or find yourself watching the same TV shows or buying the same brand of toilet paper they like. … According to a study recently published in the journal Developmental Psychology, there’s a biggie that happens in the first year or so of marriage — not in what you do or what you buy or how you look, but in who you are.”

As Ireland Joins Europe’s Sprint From Catholic Fold, Francis Looks South

“When nearly one-third of Ireland’s Catholic population came to see Pope John Paul II celebrate a papal Mass in Dublin in 1979, divorce, homosexual acts and abortion were all illegal in the country. Ireland, like much of Europe, toed the line on Roman Catholic Church teaching. In August, Pope Francis will return to Ireland for a World Meeting of Families event attended by the church’s most committed anti-abortion activists. But they will find themselves, after Saturday’s historic repeal of an abortion ban in a landslide vote, in a country that is clearly part of Europe’s secular sprint out of the Roman Catholic fold.”

9 Things You Should Know About MS-13

“In a recent roundtable discussion in New York, President Trump called MS-13 a ‘menace’ and said about the gang members, “They’re not people. They’re animals.” The controversial statement was the first time many Americans have heard about the group that has been called the ‘world’s most dangerous gang.’ Here are nine things you should know about MS-13.”

Flashback: The Bible’s Three Big Lessons on Debt

Debt is not always wrong, but in most cases it is inadvisable. It is the better part of wisdom to avoid debt whenever possible, to enter it with only the utmost caution, and to discharge it at the earliest opportunity.

If God loved me enough to give His Son to die for me when I was His enemy, surely He loves me enough to care for me now that I am His child.

—Jerry Bridges

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