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A La Carte (May 30)

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Commentaries on Sale – Westminster Books is offering three hardcover commentaries by Iain Duguid at $20. That’s $20 for all three! That’s a ridiculously good deal. They’ve also got a free book in PDF format.

The Transgender Question – Russell Moore is really gifted at thinking through issues like this one. “As a conservative evangelical Christian, I believe the so-called transgender question will require a church with a strong theological grounding, and a winsome pastoral footing.”

What I Didn’t Do Today – I enjoyed this one!

What the Bible Says About Swearing – “There are two basic ways we might handle swear words with our kids and in our own use of the tongue. We could call them the List Strategy and the Heart Strategy.”

Self-Denial Giving – “In August, 1886, William Booth delivered a stirring challenge at London’s Exeter Hall, encouraging support of the Salvation Army so it could expand its ministries around the globe. In the audience sat Salvation Army Major John Carleton, a one-time Irish textile executive.”

Legalism Is a Real Problem – “In the coming weeks, Dr. Richard Phillips will be discussing the affirmations and denials of the Gospel Reformation Network.” This is an increasingly important issue, so I’m looking forward to the series.


The worst thing thou has to fear is the treachery of thine own heart.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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