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A La Carte (May 29)

Today’s Kindle deals include a whole collection by Voddie Baucham and a couple of other solid titles. Also, Amazon is having a one-day sale on a collection of general market books. Maybe you’ll find some summer reading there.

In a Godless World

This is an interesting article because it’s written by an unbeliever. He says (and perhaps laments) that “in a largely godless world it’s hard to know what to say when tragedy strikes.”

Six Ways Men Can Support Women’s Discipleship

Trillia Newbell: “Male clergy and laity who want to enable women’s ministry often don’t know how to get involved or what to do.” She offers some pointers.

The Bobbit Worm (Video)

If these creatures were just a little bigger, none of us could go in the ocean.

Don’t Pursue Feelings, Pursue Christ

“Good doctrine is critically important to the health of the Christian and the church. But the church doesn’t need men and women who can merely define repentance. Rather, the church needs people who hate sin and love righteousness.”

How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg (Video)

History buffs may appreciate this video. You may also like it if you’ve got a thing for Irish accents.

Reindeer Eyes Turn Blue in Winter

CMI explains that “the golden-coloured eyes of Arctic reindeer (caribou, Rangifer tarandus) turn deep blue in winter.” I had no idea.

Young Women As Sisters

Denny Burk explores what it means to “treat younger women as sisters, in all purity.”

Flashback: The False Teachers: Creflo Dollar

Creflo Dollar preaches live to tens of thousands of people each weekend and his “Changing Your World” broadcast extends to nearly every country on earth. He is also one of the foremost proponents of the prosperity gospel.

If people threw away their money as thoughtlessly as they throw away their time, we would think them insane.

—Donald Whitney

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