Brooklyn’s Bridge – “In the year following the loss of their 4 month old daughter, Brooklyn, Adam and Corrie wrestle with grief and pain that leads to many questions. They discover joy can coexist with tragedy and that death is a bridge to something more in Christ.”
Hard Times – Here, from Mark Altrogge, are seven benefits of going through hard times.
Logos Reformed Resources – Logos is ramping up their Reformed resources. If you sign up for their email list, they will give you a free download of Cranfield’s On Romans and Other New Testament Essays.
Net Neutrality Jargon – Here’s the jargon behind the net neutrality discussion. This is an important discussion!
What Are We Teaching Our Daughters? – “There are young mothers in our churches who feel stressed because they have not mastered baking, sewing, ______, and feel as though they are failing their daughters because they can’t teach them these skills.”
The Only Running App – Here’s a clever article about the only running app you really need.