Grace and peace to you today.
There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals this morning.
(Yesterday on the blog: How Can We Measure Spiritual Progress?)
Living in the Blackened Forest
Brianna Lambert: “Yesterday I met a friend at a park and watched my three children play, while another mom got the worst phone call of her life. I laughed and joked, and felt the sun’s rays as my kids showed off their playground skills, while another mom faced tragedy I can’t comprehend. I watched the drips from their ice cream cones cover my kids’ faces and hands, while another mom walked into an empty room that would stay that way forever.”
He Will Turn Our Grief into Joy
Meanwhile, also on the theme of sorrow, Randy Alcorn points that out “God doesn’t only promise to replace our grief with joy, but to turn it into joy.”
5 Considerations of an Action
“Biblically speaking, we may analyze every action on the basis of at least 5 ethical considerations. They are: motive, intention, the action itself, the impact it has on others, and people’s perception of the given action.” This article tells how to properly consider the morality of an action.
Should I Pray Someone Else’s Prayers?
“So why would I—a low church, Baptist—find prayers written by someone else useful? More specifically, why would I find the written prayer in The Book of Common Prayer called The Litany useful? It’s because praying the Litany on a consistent basis reorients me to the fact that I live each moment of my life by the grace of God alone.”
Wounds in Beauty Glorified
“Why did Jesus’s body bear the visible marks of his death on the cross?” Michell Chase offers a multi-part answer.
Are All Abortions Equally Heinous?
“I was asked to evaluate this hypothetical scenario: ‘Two women had abortions only for the sake of convenience and did not have any health problems. One had it while she was one month pregnant. The other had it while she was eight months pregnant. Are they equally heinous and serious?’” Amy answers in an interesting way.
Flashback: Renew Your Mind
You can be conformed to this world or you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The choice lies before you every day.