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A La Carte (May 26)

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One Anothers – Ray Ortlund has a list of “one another” commands he can’t find in the New Testament. They include Sanctify one another, humble one another, scrutinize one another, pressure one another, embarrass one another and a whole lot more.

How YouTube and Internet Journalism Destroyed Tom Cruise – It’s an odd subject, I admit. But it’s a fascinating article about how we can ignore wider context and focus on the sound bite.

On 5 Years of Marriage – “Marriage is one of those things that you think you know all about and then you get blindsided by the reality that what you thought you knew really was nothing at all.” Yup.

Whetting Your Appetite for the Word – “Recently, my wife and I had the joy of bringing our second son, Nathan, into the world. Newborns cry (for those of you who are not parents yet). Nathan cries amazingly loud when he’s hungry. He desires, with unfettered passion, to be fed every 2-3 hours. God reminds us in 1 Peter 2:2 that we are to desire his Word as babies desire to be fed.”

War on Boys – This video is worth watching.

This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on earth.

—Keith Green

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