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A La Carte (May 25)


Logos is having a Memorial Day sale that is offering a good number of products at solid discounts. Also remember that this month Base Packages are on sale.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of worthwhile titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: Seasons of Sorrow: Updates, Awards, and Aileen’s First Interview)

Are They the Ones Who Pray All the Time?

Wouldn’t that be a great way to be known—to be the ones who pray all the time?

Cynicism Isn’t a Spiritual Gift

Just because cynicism is common, doesn’t mean it’s okay (not to mention a gift)!

Are You Casual with the Holiness of God?

“Imagine that, after suffering a loss on the battlefield, an American army general decided to galvanize his troops by taking the Declaration of Independence into battle. Sounds a little farfetched, I know. What kind of general would play so fast and loose with one of the most precious artifacts in the nation’s history? Though it may not seem likely to happen with American soldiers, this scenario actually did play out in Israel as the era of judges came to a close.”

Fear is a Function of Worship

“I speak this line to people all the time: ‘Fear is a function of worship.’ And without fail, I get much the same response.” Keith Evans explains.

More Than You Can Handle

Seth illustrates the ways God tends to give us far more than we can handle. Than we can handle on our own, that is.

Why every church should practice “open” and “closed” communion

This article explains why communion should be both “open” and “closed.”

Flashback: How Can We Measure Spiritual Progress?

It should distress us to see how unlike Christ we still are. But it should encourage us to see that we truly have grown in Christlikeness, that as we spend time with him we have become like him. It should encourage us to see that we truly are being conformed to his image, truly are modeling ourselves after his example.

In Jesus, our judgment day was moved from the future to the past.

—Scott Sauls

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