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A La Carte (May 24)

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of deals. We will hope for more tomorrow.

What 1,000 Americans Avoid Most

Christianity Today reports on a new study showing the rise of shame over guilt as what people fear the most. The implications for our presentation of the gospel are profound. Thankfully, the gospel addresses shame just as much as it addresses guilt.

Towards a Theology of Place

Dan DeWitt: “Why pray if God knows everything? Why do anything if God is sovereign? I know, I know. Some of you are right now judging me for not more strongly affirming a reformed understanding of sovereignty. To be clear, I do affirm God’s sovereignty. That doesn’t mean I understand it. I don’t pretend to.”

Is Your Church an Institution?

Ray Orlund: To call anything an ‘institution’ today can be its death sentence, including a church. Should we be ashamed of the institutional aspects of our churches?”

Don’t Waste Your Life Following Your Passion

This is very true: “The truth is finding your passion is most often the product a lot of faithful work that is pursued to the glory of God because it is your duty.”

What Is This Thing Called Church?

Darren Carlson, president of Training Leaders International, recently observed, “The greatest problem in missions right now is disagreement over what constitutes a local church.” That’s not a small statement.

Disentangling Privilege

Every day we read about privilege—who has it and who doesn’t. This article engages with the idea in helpful ways.

Can Self-Forgetfulness Make Us Happier?

Randy Alcorn looks at a concept I find very helpful to consider.

Flashback: The Hardest Sins to Talk About

The hardest sins to talk about are those we see someone commit, but we receive no invitation to speak.

Until you see the cross as that which is done by you, you will never appreciate that it is done for you.

—John Stott

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