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A La Carte (May 23)

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Good morning from beautiful Podgorica, Montenegro. I have gotten this far on my trip to Albania for a conference this weekend. I’ll make the remainder of the journey a bit later in the day.

Today’s Kindle deals include Kathleen Nielson’s Women and God: Hard Questions, Beautiful Truth.

Westminster Books is offering a deal on the new ESV Bible Promises book.

(Yesterday on the blog: Redeeming Sex in Marriage)

Not My DIY Project: How a Wife Entrusts Her Husband to God

Cara Ray: “When conflict arises in marriage, or we’re dissatisfied with our husband’s spiritual growth, our default setting is not to trust that God will use even thisto fulfill the good work he began in his life. Instead, we might offer not-so-subtle suggestions for ways our husband could improve his spiritual practices.”

Everyone Has Their Own Facts Now

“Half of Americans report that they retrieve their news from the great morass of contextless incoherence: social media. The odds of leaping from magic diet to mass shooting to surfing dog to influencer diatribe are high. The question is: What does this approach do to our thinking about serious topics?”

A Better Way to Look at Missions

Brooks Buser kind of explores the lay of the land when it comes to modern-day missions.

The Secret Of Contentment

“When I see the ruins of old cottages around us in Ireland, I’m always struck by how small they are, and by how dramatically our everyday living has changed. Even the best of the ancient castles are not nearly as comfortable as a standard modern home or apartment.” Yet we still aren’t content, are we?

Hospitality: A Command for Our Joy

This article explores why God commands hospitality, then offers some suggestions to do it well.

Are You Barely Hanging On?

“Most of us know the feeling of teetering in between, unable to change course, and of facing fearful consequences when hanging on becomes almost impossible. So what is to be done in life when going backward is impossible, but so is going forward? Feeling stuck hurts.”

Flashback: 3 Priorities for Christian Parents

Isn’t that the dream and desire of every Christian parent, that their children will live lives that thrill God? 

Either worrying drives out prayer, or prayer drives out worrying.

—D.A. Carson

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