Today’s Kindle deals include a hodgepodge of books which are worth checking out.
Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians. Enjoy your day off!
What If I Don’t Feel Forgiven?
“There is an important difference between guilt and guilt feelings. The distinction is between that which is objective and that which is subjective.”
Do I Need to Confess Every Sin to Be Forgiven?
There is a difference between failing to confess a sin and refusing to confess a sin.
What Is a Tarnation? (Video)
“We have the word ‘tarnation’ thanks to societal taboos against saying certain words–instead substituting in other words that often mean the exact same thing, but for some reason we find it acceptable to say the one rather than the other…”
The Pastor Must Fall On His Sword Before He Wields It
“You think of a pastor and a Bible, and you think of a book. But maybe our imaginations ought first to run to a different image: a pastor carrying around a sword. This is the pastor’s weapon.”
Eliminating Spiritual Toxins
There are Christians who “carefully guard their spiritual diet but make no effort to avoid or eliminate sinful, spiritual toxins from their lives. Faithfully studying God’s Word is vital to our growth, but it’s not the only factor. We need to recognize sinful attitudes and motivations as carcinogens that can wreak havoc in our spiritual lives.”
Should I Send or Should I Go?
“Whenever missionaries speak at our church my heart leaps in my chest. Their PowerPoint slides get my spiritual adrenaline pumping. There is something undeniably compelling about the thought of being on the front lines of the Great Commission. And yet, the reality is that we cannot all go. Some need to stay in order to send.”
An Elephant-Sized Problem
“Identifying animals is much harder than you might think. Indeed, it touches on one of the most fundamental questions of biology. This difficulty actually has a name: “the species problem.’”
Flashback: 5 Ways Every Christian Grows
Here are five things that are true of fruit trees and, therefore, true of the fruit of the Spirit.