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A La Carte (May 20)


Good morning, and may the Lord bless and keep you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include some really good picks from Crossway (like a personal favorite, Total Truth).

(Yesterday on the blog: In the Name of Jesus)

Of All the Activities Heaven Will Offer, What Are You Most Looking Forward to?

Here is Randy Alcorn’s well-considered answer.

I’m Not Angry With You For Being Angry

Anne Kennedy: “One of the worst parts of the last year has been that my life already was too oriented toward the digital. I was already on my phone too much, and already had a hard time getting together with people in person. I already lived in the outrage cycle and was constantly having to tell myself to walk away and not be angry about the wide world out there which largely doesn’t even concern me.”

The Incredible Logistics of Grocery Stores (Video)

The sheer logistics behind we something we now consider normal really is incredible.

The Poison of Suspicion in the Life of the Church

Writing for TGC Canada, Paul Martin tells how suspicion can function as a kind of poison in the church.

When the Ground Gives Way

“God is ever present, but his presence suddenly can feel more real, even tangible, when trials come. Why else would the psalmist say, ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble’? Not just present, but very present — especially present, lovingly present, relentlessly present. When the earth beneath us begins to give way, he draws even nearer.”

Leaving A Jet Plane

Those involved in missions organizations may do well to read and consider this one.

The Mind Behind The Art

“The mysterious Mona Lisa has been sitting on a secret (with a smile like hers it was obvious, wasn’t it?).” But this article isn’t actually about Mona Lisa…

Flashback: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Following a Parenting Method

There is always the danger that we regard children as little projects more than real people. There is always the danger that parenting becomes abstract rather than deeply personal—the mere following of principles instead of the careful shepherding of souls.

Our most desperate problem is affectional atheism—refusing to believe God is the object of our greatest and most enduring joy. This is the heart of our foolishness.

—Tony Reinke

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