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A La Carte (May 2)


This month Logos is offering up to 25% off on base packages. And then, of course, they have a selection of free and discounted books.

There are once again some new Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Let Him Do What Seems Good To Him)

Midlife and the Striver’s Curse

I appreciate some of the observations in this article about midlife. “While there is some debate on when midlife occurs, I’m going to suggest that it begins sometime between ages thirty-five to forty-five. This season is revealing to me where I have unknowingly believed some lies. While always susceptible to them, they have a tendency to creep up with intensity in midlife.”

5 Things You Should Know about Assurance

This is a strong article about assurance. I am especially glad to see where Bob Godfrey began it—with election.

The Song That Sustains Creation

“It was at this point that the picture of God creating the universe with His voice became more than just a metaphor to me. Two decades of research into superconductivity and quantum computation have only deepened and confirmed this picture for me. Everything really is made up of waves, and if those waves ceased to oscillate, if all the quantum mechanical motion were to cease, then so would the existence of those atoms.”

What’s the Big Deal with Worship?

“What does gathered worship do? It declares that this world is a lie.” Peter Mead explains how and why.

David Livingstone Brought the Gospel to My Country

Confex Makhalira celebrates David Livingstone for being the one who first brought the gospel to his country of Malawi. “A lot could be said about the man, but on this day—the 150th anniversary of his death—I want to reflect on his work as a missionary.”

Young People, Church Membership Isn’t Optional

Jared and Becky Wilson: “One of the most concerning developments in church life over the last twenty-five years or so has been the virtual disappearance of young adults. Even kids who grow up in church, attending weekly with their families, participating in youth group and other programs, tend to drop out of church when they leave home at a rate of nearly 70 percent. That’s a lot of church kids suddenly deciding church isn’t for them!”

Flashback: Advance! One Key Pursuit for Young Christians

The teens and 20s are not the time to live a whole life but to prepare for a whole life. In these years, young Christians need to prepare themselves for the rest of life by laying a foundation of godly character that will sustain them for the many years to come.

Let us be more bothered by our sin than our suffering.

—Burk Parsons

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