Today’s Kindle deals include four or five titles you can take a look at.
Westminster Books has lots of books on sale for Mother’s Day, including a new one by me (which I’ll tell more about soon). You may also enjoy Gospel Meditations for Mothers, new from Church Works.
(Yesterday on the blog: Ask Me Anything: Impactful Books & Financial Stewardship)
The Greatest Threats Facing The YRR Resurgence
Paul Carter gives his take on the biggest threat facing the Young Restless Reformed resurgence (or the New Calvinism, or whatever it’s called now).
What About Divorce and Abuse?
“Evangelicals have never been monolithic in their views about divorce. Some believe that the Bible disallows divorce altogether. Others believe that the Bible allows for divorce in certain situations (see Matt. 19 and 1 Cor. 7). There is no one view on divorce that has commanded the consensus of evangelicals.” Denny Burk explains and lays out a very reasonable and biblical view.
Christian Hospitality Is Radically Different from ‘Southern Hospitality’
This is an interview with Rosaria Butterfield about the power of Christian hospitality. It’s challenging!
Are You Really the Product?
“On March 21, at the height of the scandal over Cambridge Analytica’s harvesting of Facebook user data for political targeting, CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeted a quote that he attributed to the computer security expert Bruce Schneier: ‘Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re Facebook’s customer, you’re not – you’re the product. Its customers are the advertisers.’” Is that true? Well, kind of.
Private and Personal or Public and Ecclesial?
“God calls His people to be truth-loving and truth-speaking people–which is why it’s disheartening to see many self-professed Calvinistic and Reformed ministers downplay doctrinal teaching, preaching and transparency.” Indeed.
The Man Who Perfected the Laugh Track
“By the early ’50s, as the TV industry moved away from New York and into Hollywood, executives wanted to move away from the traditional approach of broadcasting what amounted to live stage shows. They wanted to shoot comedies on film, comedies that were not live but that still sounded live.The solution to this problem was the laugh track. And the person who came up with the solution was Charles Douglass.”
Should Pastors ‘Get Things Done’?
“Many of us pastor within the conflict of time. The age of pathological efficiency is the air we breathe. Something of our learned experiences has taught our hearts to resist the hours at the hospital, to use our time for something different from the repetitive and trying process of sanctification in others, and to hurry along through prayer so that we can empty our e-mail inbox. We fear the judgment of using our time inefficiently. You cannot prove your worth by your quiet prayers in secret.”
Flashback: The Least-Sung Song
When we stand and sing, we are not only singing to God, but are also singing for one another.