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A La Carte (May 19)

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books and a couple of Bibles.

Hey Bill Johnson & Bethel Church…

“I receive emails from people around the world who are deeply confused and frightened by the teaching and supposed ‘miracle’ ministry of Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, and Jesus Culture in Redding California. Many of these emails are from well meaning friends and family who have a loved one ‘immersed’ in Bethel culture who won’t respond to their basic appeals for biblical clarity. Interestingly, time and again these lost sheep influenced by Bethel provide the same response to inquisitors. ‘We don’t put God in a box.’”

How Can I Overcome My Anger? (Video)

Dr. Jim Newheiser offers some brief pointers.

The Mysterious Death of the Namesake of the Douglas Fir

Atlas Obscura finds the most interesting little stories from history.

Don’t Hide Those Gray Hairs

“A multibillion dollar beauty industry keeps the charade going, all the while showing little-to-no respect for the elderly. When it comes to getting older, our culture offers three options: delay, disguise, or despise.”

My Family’s Slave

“She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.”

If I Have Enough Faith, Will God Heal Me?

Randy Alcorn and Joni Eareckson Tada answer.

Crying “Wolf!”

“What are the fruits – or the attitudes and behaviors they exhibit – that we are to know them by? Because these wolves can be very clever, appear to be nice in certain settings, and often act very zealous for the kingdom of God, they can easily fool the flock. Here then are five primary traits they have.”

Flashback: Why I am Not Atheist

This was the first post in a series called “Why I Am Not.” This series was provoked by the question of how I came by my religious beliefs. I wanted to begin with the broadest question of all and tell why I am not an atheist.

We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.

—A.W. Tozer

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

    I’m quite certain you have heard of the New Age movement. Though its popularity seems to have crested and begun to wane some time ago, it continues to wield a good bit of influence. But I wonder if you’ve heard of another similarly-named but quite different movement called New Thought.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 28)

    A La Carte: Parenting is hard / The wildness of orthodoxy / Rubbing shoulders throughout eternity / Glorifying ourselves / The middle of somewhere / Is Roman Catholic baptism valid? / Excellent Kindle deals / and more.

  • Who Am I?

    It is not simply that we as a culture have lost our knowledge of God, but that in so doing we have also lost sight of ourselves. “Who am I?” is the question of the age.

  • Church cemetery

    If I Could Change Anything about the Modern Church

    I have often been asked what I consider the greatest weakness of today’s church or what I would change about today’s church if I could. Such questions make for good discussion at a conference Q&A session but they are also pretty much impossible to answer in a compelling way. It’s not like any of us…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 27)

    A La Carte: To men delaying marriage / A mother unknown / Steve Lawson update / Three essential values for effective teamwork / God is good even when he doesn’t do what we want / Kindle deals.

  • Closet

    How To Learn To Pray

    Christians are well-resourced with tremendous books that teach the theology and the practice of prayer. Many churches and ministries offer powerful classes that teach why we must pray and how we must pray. We are truly blessed.