Adding Stars – Don’t miss this one! “So, we send off the ones we love and we go forth ourselves—over oceans and just across the street, into hostile regions of foreign countries and into the familiar comfort of a culturally Christian Bible Belt. Each is as full of wandering and wondering souls as the other.”
Students! Seize the Summer! – Here’s some good counsel for students.
What is Marriage to Evangelical Millennials? – “The one promise I make to my students at the beginning of the course is that they are guaranteed to read something they will find disagreeable, probably even offensive. That promise used to be easier to keep.”
A Goodbye to Youth Ministry – As Mike Leake says farewell to youth ministry, he lays out a simple, helpful philosophy of youth ministry.
The Benefits of an Annual Study Group – I’ve always loved what Darryl models here: An annual study group with a bunch of like-minded people.
Family Ministry – Writing primarily to pastors, Timothy Paul Jones offers three truths and three tips to engage with families in your church.
Wolf Hall and the Protestant Reformation – [Especially] If you watched the PBS series Wolf Hall, you may be interested in this article on the main characters and what became of them.