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A La Carte (May 18)


Good morning! May the Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

There are some really good Kindle deals today that include A Puritan Theology and Stott’s study of the Beatitudes.

Recovering an Erased Gospel

“Two hundred years ago, a nobleman on the Greek island of Zakynthos presented a visiting British soldier with a handwritten copy of the readings from the Greek gospels used in church services. On his return to London, General Colin Macaulay gave this manuscript, Codex Zacynthius, to the British and Foreign Bible Society.” Thus begins a really interesting article.

The Internet Is More Powerful Than the Printing Press

“Okay, so I know this is going to feel like a bad-opinion hot take, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. The internet is the most consequential technological advancement in human history.” I think I’d tend to agree, though obviously it’s still early days.

Create cultures not strategies

“Whatever our strategy is, no matter how strong it is, no matter how well discussed and diagrammed it is, it’s effectiveness depends on the culture of the organisation with that strategy. Put simply the culture of a church or organisation is where our strategy either stands up or falls flat on its face.”

Why You Should Read More Biographies

“In recent years, however, I’ve made an intentional effort to read more biographies, and now I’m hooked! In fact, I’ve come to believe that good biographies are essential for every library, and I regret not reading more of them when I was younger. Here’s why.”

How to Wait Patiently for the Lord’s Return

“The days are evil, and some professing Christians are wandering from the faith. Others are sick, and many are suffering. Considering all of this, be patient until the coming of the Lord (James 5:7).” Here’s how to be patient as we await that day.

Why Gentleness in Ministry Matters More Than You Think

“Preparation for ministry involves more than intellectual-doctrinal development. It also involves the development of one’s character.” Michael Kruger explains the importance of gentleness for ministry.

Flashback: Two Questions To Ask about Your Apps

As I’ve thought more and more about my apps and my commitment to them, two questions have been both challenging and illuminating.

There is something very strange in the tendency, which seems so common in human lives, to hide the joy and tell the misery.

—J.R. Miller

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