Today’s Kindle deals includes a little list to work your way through.
Crossway will give you a free John MacArthur ebook in exchange for a bit of info.
(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Books (Three-Minute Thursdays #16))
Will You Remember to be Kind?
This was helpful to me. “Is someone sick, lonely, bereft, unemployed, swindled, injured or depressed? Is anyone undergoing long-term physical therapy, speech therapy or short-term gruelling chemotherapy? Whatever lengths the summons of kindness calls you to go, you do want to go there as quickly as you can and help that downtrodden impoverished man!”
Pastoral Anxiety
Kevin DeYoung: “Ask any pastor who really takes his work seriously and he will tell you of the pressures he feels in ministry — people in crisis, people leaving, people coming, people disappointed by him, people disappointing to him. In the midst of this work, the pastor is trying to find time for study, prayer, preparation, and family. He’s trying to improve himself, train up new leaders, meet the budget, get to know a few missionaries, champion important programs, provide for deep, accessible worship and preaching, be responsive to new ideas, listen to new concerns, and be ready to help when people are in trouble.”
The Journey to Pluto, the Farthest World Ever Explored (Video)
This is a fun little video. “As of 1989, mankind had successfully sent craft to every known planet in the solar system except one: Pluto. Located in an mysterious region called the Kuiper Belt, Pluto is a scientific goldmine, and could hold clues to the formation of our solar system. Alan Stern explains how NASA’s New Horizons mission is going to allow us to see Pluto for the first time.”
9 Things You Should Know About Jerusalem
“On Monday, the United States formally opened its embassy in Jerusalem, finalizing the relocation of the U.S. mission to Israel from the previous location in Tel Aviv. Here are nine things you should know about one of the world’s oldest and most venerated cities.”
Smartphones and Distraction: Sheathing the Double-Edged Sword
Obviously this topic has been of some interest to me of late, so here is another good article about living without your smartphone. This one lays out a plan.
Three Reasons Why We Can Trust the Old Testament
“Can we trust the Old Testament? Recently, a number of Christian leaders have argued in ways that depreciate the value of the Old Testament. Most recently, Andy Stanleycalled his church to unhitch themselves from the Old Testament. Greg Boyd has also argued that the Old Testament does not truly portray God because the Old Testament presents God as Israel thought him to be (and they were wrong). Bruxy Cavey underscores how Jesus and not the Bible is our authority, shifting authority away from the Old Testament to Jesus.”
You Need More Than a Better You (Video)
Mark Dever explains why your great need is not a better you, but a new you.
Flashback: 5 Warnings to Those Who Merely Pretend To Be Godly
There is in each of us a dangerous temptation toward hypocrisy, to be one thing but to pretend to be another. There are many within the church who are hypocrites, people who claim to be Christians but who are, in fact, unbelievers attempting to convince others (and perhaps themselves) that they are followers of Jesus Christ.