Christian Audio is having a mix and match sale; select 4 books and you’ll get all 4 for $15. Maybe load up your phone before that long vacation drive?
Eight Of The Most Common Worship Leading Mistakes
Jamie Brown: “Our goal is not to become flawless worship leaders who never make mistakes. Our goal is simply to keep being humbled by our awareness of our imperfection, and to keep growing, so we can more effectively point our congregations to Jesus in the power of the Spirit, not the power of our own professionalism.”
Women Use Porn Too
It’s so important to realize that pornography use is not only the domain of men. “There’s no more frightening place to sit than alone in the shadows with your sin. The permeating decay of sin’s destruction is the stuff of true nightmares. But what if pastors and friends from church were inadvertantly helping you stay in the shadows?”
Grand Canyon Time Lapse (Video)
This is an amazing time lapse video showing the beauty of the Grand Canyon.
Robert E. Lee’s Central Tenet: Providence
This new biography of Robert E. Lee is definitely on my list of books to read.
American Workday, By Occupation
This is a neat visualization of how people spend their days.
On This Day in 1926
On this day in 1926, Aimee Semple McPherson scandalously disappeared. Here’s how it all happened. “What if I told you that one of the most famous fundamentalist preachers of the 1920s and 30s was not a man but a woman, and not just any woman, but one who went through two divorces and who became something of a sex symbol.”
Parenting is Discipleship
It’s a great way to look at parenting–as discipleship.
Flashback: On Writing Well (5 Big Tips)
We learned recently that William Zinnser has died. He was known primarily as the author of On Writing Well, a classic guide to composing non-fiction. Here are 5 things Zinnser taught me.