#AskAlcorn – Here are the results of Randy Alcorn’s recent Twitter chat. He answered a whole host of questions.
The Best Idioms in the World – This is an amusing list of some of the best (and weirdest) idioms from across the world.
The Pastor and Social Media – Pastors (and others) may do well to read these comments by Nicholas Batzig. “I have to insist that to write off this medium wholesale … is shortsighted at best. Similarly, judging others for their use of social media is shortsighted at best as well.”
In Flight – If you’re at all interesting in air travel you will probably enjoy this article in which you’ll gain a pilot’s-eye view of a flight from London to Tokyo.
The Gathering Storm – Al Mohler borrows a line from Winston Churchill and warns of a different kind of battle that is fast approaching.
That Little Word – Andrew Wilson discovers the final question and answer in the Heidelberg Catechism, and it is worthy of reflection.
The Power of False Memory – The recent attacks in Manhattan show how quickly we can develop false memories.