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A La Carte (May 17)

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Grace, mercy and peace to you, my friends.

My week of vacation is drawing to an end. Normal articles will resume on Monday.

Westminster Books is offering a deal on a whole series of books for young readers.

And, of course, the Kindle deals continue. Today they include Robert Wolgmuth’s Gun Lap.

Who Can Understand Sin? Deep Mercy for Our Dark Insanity

“At various points in my Christian life, I’ve felt my cheeks burn with shame as I’ve faced my sin. I’ve felt humiliated, disappointed, and sometimes disgusted with what I’ve done. … As Christians, we have all looked at ourselves and felt sorrow over sin. But have we ever deeply considered why we do it in the first place? Why do we sin?” Zach Howard explains.

The Rock

Jacob marvels at the metaphor for God that is the rock.

God Will Give Us More Than We Can Handle—but Not More Than He Can

Randy Alcorn: “There’s a common saying: ‘God won’t give you more than you can handle” or “…more than you can bear.’ Certainly, God gives us things which we can’t handle by ourselves. But He also promises that He is sufficient and able to sustain and strengthen us.”

When Cynicism Sets In

Jimmy tells how he has learned to identify and battle the rise of cynicism.

The Judgement of Getting Exactly What We Want

“I am convinced that there are times God gives us exactly what we want, not because it is a good thing for us, but because he is giving us over to that thing as a judgement.” That’s an intimidating thought, isn’t it?

Why We Named CABU Theological Library After Pastor Paul Kasonga

You probably haven’t heard of Paul Kasonga, but perhaps you should. This article explains why there is a library named after him.

Flashback: The Ministry of Sorrow

We should not long to suffer, but we should be willing to. We should not desire loss, but we should consent to bow the head, to bow the heart, to bow the knee, and to be a blessing to God’s people in whatever sorrows God ordains for us. 

When tragedy strikes, we enter a crisis of faith. We either move toward God or away from God.

—Bob Kellemen

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