Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent deals from Tim Keller, John MacArthur, James White, and others.
Learning for Life
“The lack of teachability is probably the single greatest hindrance to our growth in grace and it’s a form of pride.” It sure is!
Spring (Video)
This is a stunning time lapse video of flowers.
Torn Emotions: A Visit With Nabeel Qureshi
Ravi Zacharias pays tribute to Nabeel Qureshi who has terminal cancer. “I do not ever recall being part of a meeting like this one: the love, the healing, the soul-wrenching heartache, the unstoppable tears, and finally the hugs, the prayers, and the farewell. My colleague Stuart McAllister summed it up in one sentence: ‘It was a moment in church history to remember.’”
Billy Graham’s Madison Square Crusade
“If there had been any doubt about Graham’s star status when the crusade began, none lingered by the time it finished. By then Graham ranked as the most famous evangelist in the United States since George Whitefield in the 18th century.”
The Theology of Martin Luther: 10 Things
Here are 10 things you ought to know about Martin Luther’s theology.
Swag Seminary (Video)
You might enjoy this video poking fun at the church’s endless pursuit of relevance.
How I Leverage My Autism for Pastoral Ministry
This is interesting: “My life-changing diagnosis forced me to learn myself—and my ministry role—all over again.”
Just-Around-the-Corner Spirituality
You may be familiar with this kind of spirituality.
Flashback: How Far Is Too Far?
Everyone has had to ask or answer the question at one time or another: When it comes to the physical component of a dating relationship, how far is too far?