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A La Carte (May 14)

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Don’t Confuse Spirituality with Righteousness – R.C. Sproul says it well: “Spirituality and piety are not ends in themselves. In fact they are worthless unless they are means to a higher goal. The goal must go beyond spirituality to righteousness.”

What Does It Mean to Accept Jesus? – Ray Ortlund explains by way of a helpful illustration.

Portrait Of A Master Woodworker – It is always a joy to watch a master at his craft.

Typedrummer – Bookmark it and come back to it when you need something to take your mind off life for 10 minutes. You’ll thank me later.

Rethinking Access to the Autographs – One of the standard challenges for New Testament textual criticism is whether we can work our way back to the original text. Michael Kruger looks at some interesting new research here.


Every christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.

—John Stott

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