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A La Carte (May 13)

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Pray for R.C. Sproul – Ligonier has an update on R.C. Sproul’s condition. Do continue to pray for his recovery.

Books for Theologians – This week’s deals at Westminster Books will be of special interest to pastors or theologians (or people looking for read reading that will stretch them); be sure to scroll down to see them all.

Leading on the Edge – The article is actually about leading worship but I loved the quote: “Someone once described an American football game as ’22 people on the field in desperate need of rest, watched by 60,000 people in the seats in desperate need of exercise’.”

Charles Spurgeon, Susannah, and The Pilgrim’s Progress – This is a fun little snippet from the life of Charles Spurgeon.

Is Christianity Dying? – Russell Moore: “Bible Belt near-Christianity is teetering. I say let it fall.”

Tempted on All Points? – David Murray follows up John Piper in addressing the temptation of Jesus. “Can Jesus really identify with me when he doesn’t know the experience of indwelling sin raging war against the Spirit? Aren’t our temptations more powerful than those faced by Christ on earth?”


None of the important things God has for us to do in church each week can happen if we’re not there.

—Tony Payne

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