Westminster Books has a deal on a new book from David Powlison that deals with a subject of universal importance: sanctification.
How the Average Adult Spends Days
Here’s a visualization of how the average adult spends his or her days. We sleep a lot.
How a Pastor Loves His Flock
“The measure of a pastor’s love for God is directly linked to his deliberate care for Christ’s sheep. That’s what the Lord told Peter after Peter affirmed his love for Christ. The Lord said: ‘shepherd my sheep’ (John 21.16). So, how can a pastor love Christ? By loving Christ’s church. How, then, can a pastor love his flock well?” Geoffrey Kirkland answers.
The Case for Free-Range Kids
“America’s worst mom” makes her case for allowing kids some freedom to roam.
What Happens to Babies When They Die? (Video)
Thomas Schreiner gives his answer in this short video from Southern Seminary.
Can I Forgive Someone Who Doesn’t Confess Wronging Me?
John Piper answers. I don’t exactly agree with his take on it, but it’s well worth reading.
Pastoral Bullies
“It was a bad day at church. What was supposed to be a blessed and meaningful worship experience felt like a punch in the gut. What happened? Those in authority were selfish bullies.”
The Particular Importance of Not Being Particularly Important
This may hurt: “If you’re interested in being somebody in your life, think again. Chances are, Jesus is not on board.”
Flashback: A Secret Way to Kick-Start Your Theological Library
It’s no secret that building a quality theological library is a very expensive proposition. But I’ve got a secret to share with you that will help kick-start any theological library: You can build an electronic library of excellent theological journals and magazines without spending a dime.