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A La Carte (May 1)

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The beginning of a new month is always a good time to pause to consider this: Right now, at this very moment, God is reigning from his throne. All will be well.

Today’s Kindle deals include a lot of great books. Among them, you’ll find the excellent John Stott Bible studies as well as a lot of deals that will be valid through May 31. IVP has set all of its books at 50% off including series like the New Studies in Biblical Theology.

Church Shopping, Hopping, and Should It Be Stopping?

There are some good thoughts here about church shopping and hopping. “While some people are saved in a local church and then continue serving there until they are called to glory, most Christians have been on a church search before for one of three reasons: doctrine, ethical matters, or preferences.”

How I Manage My Time as a Pastor (Video)

Alistair Begg helpfully explains some of the principles he uses to manage his time.

Three Key Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friends

“I want to fairly call balls and strikes. The LDS church gets a lot right, but the most important things it gets wrong. Here are my three go-to questions that get to the heart of our most important differences.”

Remember the 4 ‘Alls’ of the Great Commission

Trevin Wax draws attention to the four “alls” of the Great Commission—a helpful way to understand and apply it.

Responding to Christianity Today’s April 2024 Gender Cover Story

CBMW has provided three article-length responses to Christianity Today’s recent cover story on gender roles in the church and home. Each is worth reading.

Gospel Audacity Today

From Dave Harvey comes a reflection on gospel audacity. Considering the example of the Apostle Paul he says, “This is so provoking for me. Because the older I get, the more I am tempted to settle. If you can relate to that, join me in answering two audacious questions.”

Flashback: Let Him Do What Seems Good To Him

It is when we trust in his character that we can trust in what he permits and in what he decrees. For his will cannot be separated from his nature, the goodness of his providence from the goodness of his character.

The great tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer.

–F. B. Meyer

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