The Difference Between Outrage and Accountability – Yes! “For the Christian, shame and outrage can never be ends in themselves. While we value accountability, Christian accountability should always be oriented toward reconciliation and restoration – and seasoned with humility and love.”
What It Means And Does Not Mean To Honor Our President – Mark Altrogge follows up.
Let Boys be Non-Medicated Boys – “Even the goodness of boyhood energy is broken by the fall. But in most cases, what if we are getting the diagnosis wrong? What if ADHD seems more like God-given characteristics of what it means to actually be a boy?”
The Man in the Van – ESPN has a great profile of one of the quirkiest players in Major League Baseball.
The Life and Theology of Paul – Ligonier Ministries is putting together a great selection of courses; the latest one looks at the life and theology of Paul; the first lecture is free. (Also consider their $5 Friday sale which has some good books and commentaries.)
The Secret Shame of Abortion in the Church – “In the church, we face the challenge of upholding the sanctity of life, while simultaneously ministering to women who feel overwhelming shame about their abortions.”