Logos users will want to vote in the second round of March Matchups as we work toward some great deals.
Today’s Kindle deals include a helpful resource on James, a guided reading of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, a book for teens, and more.
When U.S.-Canadian Tensions Run High
The relationship between Canada and the U.S. has taken a strange turn in the past few weeks. Darryl wants to make sure it doesn’t affect relationships among citizens of a higher kingdom.
Before You Cut Off Your Parents: 3 Principles to Consider
“While our culture presents cutting off your parents as a viable option for self-care, it isn’t the only option. What does the Bible say about challenging relationships with parents? What does it look like to apply biblical wisdom and gospel hope to our relationship with our first caretakers? Here are three biblical principles to consider before you cut off your parents.”
How to Pray for an Unmet Desire
Cindy offers counsel on praying to the Lord for unmet desires. “Like you, I’ve done a fair bit of praying while waiting. Here are a few things God taught me to pray in those seasons of longing.”
Preaching From Brokenness
My friend James helps pastors know how to preach from their brokenness. “Life is hard, and ministry adds another layer of difficulty. From the outside, we face a real adversary actively opposing every step of progress we make. On the inside, our own souls cry out for comfort as we minister to others in need. How can we preach when we ourselves are broken? Is it even possible? Why would God allow our service to be made more difficult by soul-wrenching trials?”
Recruiting and Caring for Church Volunteers
There is wisdom here for those responsible for recruiting and caring for church volunteers. “When volunteers experience a genuine community where they are discipled, loved, and cared for in your ministry, you’ll naturally attract more people to join your team. You may never feel like you have ‘enough’ volunteers, but you will experience the joy of having committed, quality volunteers who are deeply invested in your mission.”
The Christian Nationalism Debate Is a Debate About Means
Here’s a long and interesting article about Christian Nationalism. “Baptists have traditionally affirmed that a healthy republic requires Christian faith and a virtuous populace while also resisting top-down efforts to Christianize America. Rejecting calls for a renewed Christendom hardly indicates compromise with secularism. I would argue, to the contrary, that many of the renewed Christian Nationalist visions need to be rejected specifically because they aren’t supernatural enough. Such calls effectually seek to Christianize culture apart from the Baptist insistence on spiritual regeneration.”
Flashback: 10 Lessons on Parenting Big(ger) Kids
In Jesus’s most famous parable, neither the older nor younger brother was outside the need or the reach of the Father’s love. Your best and worst child equally need Jesus.