Don’t Be the Team that Refuses to Shower – Here, from the mission field, comes part one of a look at the plusses and minuses of short-term missions. Here are some shocking examples of how not to do it!
Legalist! – Daniel Doriani explains four different ways we use the word “legalist.”
Governments that Criminalize Homosexuality – Russell Moore takes on this pressing question: What should Christians think of governments that criminalize homosexuality?
If the World Had 100 People – Here is a series of images that explain the world by reducing its population to 100 people.
Spiritual Schizophrenia – Paul Tripp: “I want to write today about something that I call Spiritual Schizophrenia. I can summarize it with a question: does the public persona of your faith live in harmony with the private realities of your life?” Uh oh.
Turning a New Page – The current issue of Tabletalk magazine has an interesting interview with Allan Fisher who has spent most of his life involved in publishing Christian books.