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Weekend A La Carte (March 31)

Weekend A La Carte

Today’s Kindle deals include a whole lot of C.S. Lewis discounted for today only. You’ll also find the Osborne New Testament Commentaries series marked down.

Be sure to check out this deal from Westminster Books on what looks like a neat new title: God’s Timeline. There are lots of other deals below it.

10 Reasons Why People Reject the Gospel

From Sam Chan, whom I enjoyed meeting in Sydney. “If the gospel is the ‘good news about Jesus,’ then why do so many people reject it? If Christians bear this ‘good news,’ how can they better share it using methods that are effective in today’s post-Christian world?”

Resurrection Letters, Volume 1

Andrew Peterson’s long-awaited album Resurrection Letters, Volume 1 is finally out. It’s great listening for Easter weekend.


This is quite an amazing look at self-storage warehouses. “One in 11 Americans pays an average of $91.14 per month to use self-storage, finding a place for the material overflow of the American dream.”

Folding and Flying Paper Airplanes (Video)

This guy is amazing at what he does. (He also has a book.)

Why Cricket’s Ball-Tampering Scandal Is Such A Big Deal

If you’ve heard of the scandal with Australia’s cricket team, you may have been wondering why it is such a big deal. This article does a good job of explaining.

10 Things You Should Know about the Cross

Just like the title says, here are 10 things you ought to know about the cross of Christ.

Study: Atheists Find Meaning In Life By Inventing Fairy Tales

“Atheists often snidely dismiss religion as a fairy tale. Yet a study finds the meaning atheists and non-religious people attribute to their lives is entirely self-invented.”

How Dark Patterns Trick You Online (Video)

This isn’t quite as scary as it sounds (“dark patterns”) but is an important part of the online equation.

Flashback: Learning for Forever

I recently spent a little bit of time with an older believer and was struck again by some of what we lose in a younger church.

I know of no other way to triumph over sin long-term than to gain a distaste for it because of a superior satisfaction in God.

—John Piper

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