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A La Carte (March 31)

Pillar New Testament Commentaries

Westminster Books is offering a great deal on the Pillar New Testament Commentary series. This is a top-notch series edited by D.A. Carson and suitable to anyone who wishes to better understand God’s Word.

My Side, Your Side, or Neither

You may benefit from this reflection on church conflict. “Both sides will convince themselves that they are more than just right; they will convince themselves that God is on their side. When the inevitable resolution comes, the ‘winners’ will rejoice in God’s vindication. Meanwhile, the ‘losers’ will consider themselves martyrs who will one day experience God’s eschatological vindication. Thus, in victory or defeat, both sides refuse to give up their claim that God was on their side.”

You Don’t Deserve This

Ray Ortlund: “So you’re a faithful pastor. You’re walking with the Lord. You’re preaching the gospel. You’re loving the people. You’re trying to evangelize, teach, pray, be an example, lead, do your job. You’re not perfect, and you admit it, but your heart is given to the Lord. And there is a faction in your church set against you.”

Band of Bloggers

Band of Bloggers is filling up fast. If you’re at T4G (or even just in Louisville) be sure to check it out. And be sure to check out the list of free books you’ll receive…

Admit It: Atheists Have a Point

Here’s a call for honesty. “We can diminish our credibility—not to mention the perceived reasonableness of the gospel—when we fail to admit that the opposition has some decent arguments. If we underestimate the strength of the objections, or overstate our own case, we ultimately make matters worse.”

Why Don’t We Follow All the Laws?

Christians are often charged with picking and choosing the Old Testament laws they follow today. J.D. Greear explains why not all laws are equal.

This Day in 1980. 36 years ago today, John Piper published his first book, Love Your Enemies. *

ICWA, Lexi, and the Worst of American History

You may have heard of Lexi, the little girl who was taken away from her foster family (who attend John MacArthur’s church). Jesse Johnson gives a summary of what happened and why it matters.

My Son’s Autism Changed Everything

There is both challenge and encouragement in this article.


There is nothing whatsoever surprising about sin. Holiness, however, is the most surprising thing in the world.

—Ligon Duncan

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